This is our first posting in a series on Aloe Gel Purity. We started working on this due to questions we hear from consumers about how to differentiate aloe gel products when so many of them make similar claims on the front of their labels. 
If your skin has ever been in contact with poison ivy, then you have suffered through the blistering rash, and the unmerciful itching and scratching that the plant is notorious for. But not to worry! Applying Aloe Vera for poison ivy can help relieve some of the uncomfortable symptoms and also support the natural healing process, too. Of the many treatments available to ease the rash and itching, Aloe Vera is both effective and natural.
Most are familiar with the succulent plant, Aloe Vera. An evergreen perennial, Aloe Vera originated from the Arabian Peninsula but now grows wild in tropical climates around the world, but is also cultivated for its many medicinal and therapeutic applications. Throughout history, the plant’s healing properties have been recognized. Nicknamed the ‘plant of immortality,’ Aloe vera’s earliest recorded used is found in a stone carving from 6,000 years ago in Egypt.
Warm weather has arrived and the great outdoors awaits you. Whether you’re hiking on a forest trail, spending the day at the beach, or at a backyard barbeque, any time spent outside is also time shared with insects. No one can avoid the bite or sting of mosquitoes, black flies, gnats, spiders, bees and wasps; it is inevitable.
The many positive health benefits of Aloe Vera have been a subject of study for years. Aloe Vera is used as an active ingredient in sunscreens, burn ointments, balms, lotions and numerous cosmetics. The ample amount of amino acids, enzymes, and other active compounds found in the plant’s gel make it a natural antiseptic, astringent, and an overall wellness aid. Application of Aloe Vera can speed the healing time of types of burns, cuts, rashes, scrapes, and lesions, and even supports other functions such as digestion.


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